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Improving your nutritional status is one of the corners for a healthy life. Food has a powerful impact on your daily performance. Sometimes little tweaks can make a radical shift in how you look, feel and perform. In other cases, a complete shift in approach is required for a short to medium period to achieve a particular outcome.

To assist with personalised treatment planning, I use functional pathology testing as part of my evidence-based approach to integrative care in conjunction with your conventional medical care.


My aim is to work within your constraints and make your life easier not harder.


Focus areas include:

  • Longevity

  • Stress Management

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Recurring Infections

  • Exercise Performance

  • Digestive Disorders: IBS, IBD, SIBO

  • Ketogenic Diet

  • Diabetes

  • Autoimmune conditions.


One-on-one nutrition consultations

The first appointment entails a comprehensive case assessment including a detailed health history, current health condition, dietary intake and lifestyle. Together, we detail a course of action that suits your personality, your work and personal life commitments, and preferences. Some people prefer an all-or-nothing approach while others need to take smaller steps to reduce overwhelm. Allow 90 minutes for the initial appointment.


Follow-up consultations

These help to keep you accountable and on track. What gets measured, gets managed. Hurdles and obstacles are identified. Adjustments are made to help stay on course. Allow 60 minutes for follow-up appointments.


  • Clarifying goals

  • Strategy planning with achievable timeline

  • Personalised and detailed dietary and nutrition targets

  • Lifestyle recommendations

  • Personalised supplementation, if needed

  • Functional laboratory testing, if needed

  • Referral to specialists, if needed.

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