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"I became more and more convinced that breath plays a bigger role in health than generally recognised."


My interest in breathing and performance was mostly a side-hobby from 2008 when I changed my breathing to nasal only for my runs and cycling. Few people talked about nasal breathing at the time. Patrick McKeown and the Buteyko method was just coming onto the scene and Oxygen Advantage did not exist.


As my knowledge about physiology and neuroscience increased, I became more and more convinced that breath plays a bigger role in health than generally recognised. Placing value and focus on breathing for exercise feels intuitive. Placing value in breathing for stress management is less recognised. Yet this is precisely where the biggest benefit to overall health can be found.

Dysfunctional breathing is both a driver and a consequence in many health conditions including disrupted sleep, anxiety, hypertension, IBS, asthma and more.


Learning to breath more efficiently can improve your stress tolerance. The effect can be felt immediately and are long lasting. A breath practice is easier to learn than other methods of stress management like meditation.

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